Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week of April 18

Hey family this week I have a story to to tell!!! I'm first of all,
glad to hear dads doing better and j had fun at prom the dress looked super awesome. I have some good news as well we just found out today that Elder Jeffery R Holland is coming to talk to our mission in one week from this Thursday!!!!😝 that's going be the coolest present to
end my mission with. I'm stoked and nervous but what ever happens I'm going remember that day.

  To start off about this week I can't remember anything to crazy until Friday. We had a wind storm I don't know how fast the winds were but I thought it was a hurricane in a desert. Tumble weeds and trash were blowing all over the streets. We were on out way down to the church right before dinner so we could send a email to the bishop, and we were going down a long hill and out of some houses yard a big trash
can comes at me and I dodged it it was pretty cool I won't lie and then we keep going and some beat up phone book comes out of a store and nailed me right in the leg. It was weird it came at me like a rocket ship and got me. I almost crashed into a car when that hit but I pulled it together.
Then 5 minutes down the road a branch off of a tree with leaves and stuff comes out of nowhere like the other two projectiles and gets me right in the face. I was very confused and I just saw stars for a few minutes. But in shook it off and we went on our way to the church.

  We went to the very back were the computers are and parked our bikes way back there were it's pretty hard to be walking by and see them. We left after only 8-10 minutes and Elder Hawkins bike was stolen. It was by the door and the door was even cracked open and was all tinted
window so it would of been easy to see from inside. I jumped on my bike and went down the streets nearby but never saw anything.   I joke that my bike is to fast and they couldn't handle it that's why they didn't steal mine. It's just to ugly to steal though. Since his was nice and 600 bucks he was worried about it so we talked to the police about it and went by some houses that buy stolen bikes or steal them probably both but still no luck.

 In search Saturday night we talked to some guy on the street that are in the drug business and have gangs and he offered to pay them like 50 bucks if they found it to give us a call. Some of the guys had skate boards so I was able to skate this week with some good skate boarders it was fun I was landing a lot of stuff I didn't even land at home I thinks it was the spirit.

  Saturday night i also saw some kids in a car that looked familiar and they had a Utah plate. And it was my zone leaders from Avondale 8 months ago visiting the mission. I took pictures with them it was super funny running into them randomly. Other than that the work wasn't on fire this week as far as missionary work goes but it was an ok week we had a appointments cancel hopefully we'll have more next
week love you talk to you next week!

Love you all,
Elder Davis

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